Wednesday, August 25, 2010

WirelessComplete.Com - Put a Stop to Texting and Driving

Let's be real, texting while driving is dangerous. We've all done it, we're all guilty and we're all ready to change our actions and stop this dangerous practice.

Texting is a visual, manual and cognitive distraction while you take your eyes off the road, hand off the wheel and mind off driving. It takes the driver's attention away from driving for longer periods than other distractions.

Last year Car and Driver magazine conducted a study comparing reaction times of various drivers. The subjects were required to stop while reading and writing texts, as well as stopping while intoxicated (at a .08 blood-alcohol level) and the results were compared to their times while not distracted and sober. The results showed that texting is as dangerous as driving drunk.

In 2008 there were a quarter of a million persons injured and 6,000 killed by irresponsible drivers misusing cellphones.

At least 19 states and the District of Columbia have passed bans on texting while driving in recent years.

In March a Florida House committee in Tallahassee unanimously pushed forward a bill that stopped short of making texting while driving a primary offense. Florida's proposed law would make texting while driving a secondary offense. The measure also prohibits motorists from reading data on wireless devices while driving.

First-time violators could face fines of $30 plus court costs. A second offense within five years would be a moving violation, costing the texting driver $60 plus court costs.

We at WirelessComplete.Com implore and encourage you to drive safely. Your life is more valuable than an unread message.

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